Our Sponsors
A big thank you to all of our sponsors!
If you want to become a sponsor of DBSV Red Socks, send an email to pr@dbsvredsocks.nl
ING Sponsor
As of 2023, DBSV RedSocks football club and ING are joining forces in a 3-year sponsorship contract so that every child can play football
Everyone should be able to play football, even if things are not going well financially. Research shows that 1 in 11 children in the Netherlands grows up in poverty, which sometimes makes it difficult for parents to pay the membership fee and other necessities of a sports club. There are often enough arrangements to be able to play football, even if there is no money. Regulations that are sometimes insufficiently known to parents and associations. DBSV football club and ING, together with the KNVB, SchuldenlabNL, the VoorzieningenWijzer and the Dutch Debt Assistance Route, ensure that more children can play football.
For more information: