INKOM 2024
Maastricht introduction week, the INKOM, is organised by Workgroup INKOM in the name of Maastricht University and Zuyd Hogeschool ( Workgroup INKOM is responsible for the whole INKOM program. Workgroup INKOM and DBSV are cooperating to make this week a success.

Join us at the following events during the INKOM week to familiarize yourself with DBSV:
Monday: Dinner of choice @GriendPark + some flunkyball games
Tuesday: Sports event @Tapijn. Find us at our stall to ask any questions and learn more about our club
Wednesday: Activity of choice @our home pitches. Join us for a fun football tournament!
Thursday: Summer Valley. Find us at the MUSST stall to find out more about DBSV.
Check out our instagram page and the INKOM site itself for more info on the events.